Study this picture. How do you interpret what is going on here? (the caption below explains the obvious.) But what is the deeper significance, especially as Americans talk about a wall on our border with Mexico (and some even suggest Canada)?
Caption from this picture in BBC online: “Two tiny Spanish enclaves on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast, Ceuta and Melilla, exercise a magnetic attraction for people trying to reach Europe. Here the continent is just a razorwire fence away. Jose Palazon, who works for migrant rights group Pro.De.In Melilla, took this picture of one golfer in mid-swing, while another gazes at a group of men (and one policeman) perched on the fence. “It seemed like a good moment to take a photo that was a bit more symbolic,” he told the El Pais newspaper.” (Accessed on Sep. 4, 2015 at
Here is what I see:
- Desperation. Men scrambling over a fence such as this indicates hopelessness.
- Separation. Those men do not have their wives, children and aging parents with them.
- Apathy. The golfers have mentally shut off normal concern for desperate human beings. They are the lucky ones.
- Fear. Refugees are afraid of being caught. Golfers are afraid of being hurt.
I fail to understand how walls are a solution. Tweet This The idea to build a wall is evidence there is a bigger problem as its source.
Through the cross, Jesus took down the dividing wall (Eph. 2), because in His death and resurrection He tackled the bigger problem. He reconciled mankind to God, with the result that differing groups of people could be reconciled to each other.
Apart from Christ, reconciliation efforts are feeble at best. And temporary. But those efforts are better than walls that divide.