
Here’s a bit about who we are:

Near Frontiers is a band of missionaries living most of the time in the U.S. We love to help believers and churches reach out with Christ’s love to refugees, immigrants, international students, and under-served people around them.

And because we believe local churches should reflect the ethnic diversity of God’s kingdom, we help churches make progress toward “intercultural unity” through coaching leaders.

We also really appreciate internationals who love Jesus and have come to the USA. It is a shame that we overlook the wealth of insight and experience available through you, brothers and sisters. We want to get to know you and find some ways to partner.

We live in different cities in the U.S., and often travel to other countries for ministry.

bob rI’m Bob Rasmussen and I live in Turlock, California, and I am the  Director of Near Frontiers. I love to hike, kayak (when it’s warm), write, and play my trumpet. I am married to Aimee, and we have five adult daughters and three sons in law.

How about you?  Are you…

Ministering with a church?

  • we coach pastors who desire progress toward diversity
  • we help mission committees formulate their plan

An immigrant to the USA who loves Jesus Christ?

  • we would love to learn and serve together with you
  • we should talk about ways to partner together

A believer interested in local cross-cultural friendships? We can:

  • give you resources for connecting cross-culturally where you live
  • explain various ways to get involved in missions locally
  • discuss ministry to international students and refugees
  • provide suggestions for starting a missions prayer group

Do you wonder if overseas missions is God’s will for you? We would love to:

  • coach you in how to prepare
  • explain issues for students, singles, and married (with kids too)
  • overview different kinds of mission work, & various groups you may want to consider.
  • advise you on courses of study
  • talk about kinds of workers who are needed overseas
  • tell you about an internship overseas (what length and cost)

Are you researching possible mission agencies to join? We can:

  • explain opportunities in the USA or globally
  • talk options in raising support, amounts, and how to begin now to find your partners
Get in touch

I’ve written an  explanation of who we are and what we do. It explains why, with all the needs around the world, I believe the USA is an amazing mission field right now. Please download this  White Paper Intro Near Frontiers and let me know how it strikes you!

If you are a strategic thinker, you’ll want to know our Vision and Mission:


The body of Christ in all its diversity united in making disciples of all peoples


We exist to partner within the diverse body of Christ to stimulate intercultural unity and gospel transformation among diaspora and under-served peoples.


Biblical commitment, Multiplication, Servanthood, Partnership, Innovation, Godly character, Unity in diversity, Family


Serving the under-served, Faith and accountability, Transformative living, Synergy through team

Tweet This  Our opportunity as believers in America, is to partner together to love those who have moved into our neighborhoods.

And if you are really curious!

Near Frontiers was previously known as One Challenge USA, and continues to be a ministry of One Challenge (OC) International. NFlogo1

Our main office is in Turlock, CA. We also have personnel in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Portland, Eugene, & Spokane.

We are an evangelical mission organization, holding to historic Christian doctrines. We subscribe to the Lausanne Covenant.

We would be happy to know about you, or answer any questions you may have!

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