Standing room only to learn about refugee resettlement

refugee mtgNews of the #Parisattacks and Syria refugee crisis has raised awareness of the plight of refugees today, as well as concerns about the safety of citizens everywhere.



Tweet This  Generally immigrants look ahead to establishing a new life, while refugees look back wishing they could return home.

I was invited by a neighbor to attend a seminar on welcoming refugees. It was not a religious event, even though it was presented by a Christian organization called World Relief.

To be honest, I thought there might be 50 people in attendance. I was pleasantly surprised to show up to a full parking lot and approximately 250-300 people inside. It was an informative evening with a lot of interest and interaction. I believe many indicated their interest in:

  • opening their home for a refugee family for 4 to 14 days when they first arrive and need rest and some basic orientation
  • coming alongside a refugee as a “Cultural Companion” for 6 months to help them learn how things work
  • serving as an English language helper in a classroom setting.

The “near frontiers” are embracing most Americans it seems. I have never witnessed so much conversation about immigrants and refugees.

Here is some information about World Relief, and here is We Welcome Refugees website they recommended we use.


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