
jonathan k

Jonathan Kobayashi

I have experience in overseas missions, pastoral ministry, church planting, leadership training and coaching. I direct Acts 8 Ministries, a mission helping the body of Christ in Ethiopia to develop “discipleaders.”

Born and growing up in Tokyo, I came to the U.S. as a college student. While studying at the University of California Berkeley, I came to know Christ. After graduation, I joined staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and served both in Japan and in the U.S. In 1992, sensing God’s new leading, I entered pastoral ministry. I helped plant a church in Colorado Springs and later led the Japanese congregation of an Asian-American church in Seattle.

Over the years, the Lord has grown my love for His church. My ministry has been about helping unlock the full potential and unveil the beauty of the body of Christ. I graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity.

I am married to Kim, who is a certified brain integration technique practitioner, using a therapeutic model that results in improved creativity, greater learning ability, enhanced behavioral attitudes and better physical coordination.

Kim and I live in Duvall, WA, and are the proud parents of Elizabeth, Christina, Sarah and Zachary.

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joel madson

Joel Madson

I am the Vice President of Global Training Network, a missions organization that trains pastors and leaders all over the world.  Before joining GTN, I was a pastor for 21 years, the majority of which were spent serving on staff at Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, Washington. Prior to my position at Overlake, I served as the College Pastor at Northwest Community Church, in Phoenix, AZ for five years. I am a graduate of Arizona Christian University, where I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Missions and Bible. I have always had a heart for seeing the nations of the world reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I have traveled to over 20 countries, training and encouraging pastors and leaders. In 2006, I transitioned to the role of Vice President of GTN in addition to continuing my travel and training of church leaders internationally. My wife Kathy and I attend Cascade Community Church in Monroe, WA where I volunteer as the Missions Pastor. We have been married for 37 years and live close to our two married sons and five grandchildren.


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wilson koppula

Wilson Koppula

I was born in Hydrabad, India. My father was an orphan and was raised in the home of Christian missionaries. I came to the U.S. as a teen-ager, and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

My wife Mary and I are trained as school teachers, and we taught in Northern Nigerian for five years. Later, we had the opportunity to come to the U.S. where we settled in the Bay Area of California. I attended the Mennonite seminary in Fresno, CA and am ordained as a Christian minister.  We have three wonderful grown daughters, and we live in Turlock, CA.

Mary and I are very involved in reaching out with the love of Christ to Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus in central California. We have planted churches in various cities, and offer seminars on beliefs of these religions, and ways in which we Christians can welcome them to America. We also provide English language training, as well as preparation for the driving test and citizenship interview. By offering these practical helps, newly arriving immigrants get help they need and learn that followers of Jesus are loving people.

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melindajoy mingo

Dr. MelindaJoy Mingo

The mission of Je-Nai ministry (meaning “One Who Loves the People”) is to provide spiritual care, discipleship, and practical assistance to those who are not necessarily connected to a local body church but are seeking a place to connect with others believers and serve the community.

As the founder of Je-NAI Ministry, I am a pastor and Directional Leader to many people young and old across the U.S. and overseas. I am an ordained Pastor, possess a Doctor of Divinity degree as well as a PhD in Global Education and Leadership. I have taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and Colorado Christian University with specific emphasis in the incarnational life of Christ, biblical diversity and unity.

I offer to the community – especially the impoverished – free career counseling, free life coaching to the mentally and emotionally abused, relationship coaching, prayer for the sick, baptism for those who don’t have local church affiliation. I have done ministry work at the Samaritan House in Denver, The Springs Rescue Mission, San Carlos Maximum Facility prison, a chaplain to the homeless, Colorado Springs Police Department Chaplain police department, and disenfranchised in the Colorado Springs and Denver area.

I am also connected in Colorado Springs as the Associate minister at Relevant Word Ministries Church.

As a result of my heart for the impoverished and marginalized society, Je-Nai is not just tied to one specific area of town in Colorado Springs is a ministry throughout the city of Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado.

I have served at Cedar Springs Mental hospital, Spring Creek youth Detention, CJC Jail, the Colorado Springs Police Department, Springs Rescue Mission, and as a missionary myself `here in America’ as well as overseas.

My overseas experience includes missions work overseas in Kenya, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Japan, and Santo Domingo developing and strengthening church leaders and church plants.

I am presently writing a book on how to build authentic sustaining intercultural relationships and I am the contributor of a book entitled `Building Bridges – Black/White Relationships in America’. My desire is to `advance the Kingdom of God in the marketplace and beyond’.

God Bless,
Dr. MelindaJoy Mingo

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ray sanford

Donnell “Ray” Sanford Jr.

I currently serve as the Vice President, Organizational Development of One Challenge (the parent company of Near Frontiers).  Formerly I served in management with AT&T Corporation in the 70’s and 80’s and then moved into missions in 1986.

I served with my family  in France for 12 years before returning to the headquarters of OC to minister through mission leadership.  My formal education is in electrical engineering, business administration and missions.  My wife, Diane, and I reside in Colorado Springs. We have four grown children, three married with four grandchildren.

I was privileged to be one of the founding board members of Near Frontiers and have served as the chairperson since its inception.  My contribution to Near Frontiers is driven by my passion for bringing Christ to those whom God is bringing to America. I love studying the Word of God, and waiting before the Lord for His encouragement and direction.


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