A higher purpose in hiring

My friend Don has a heart for refugees. As a Christian, he has told the Lord that he wants to be available to respond to needs which God brings across his path.

One day recently, Don was leaving a coffee shop and a thought crossed his mind. Acting on it, he asked the manager if he would consider hiring a couple young refugees from East Africa. “Sure,” was the reply, “have them fill in the online application, and bring them in next week.”
Encouraged, Don went to the next errand on his list, a printing company in town. Surprised by the positive response from the cafe, Don asked the print store worker the same question. Again, Don was amazed by the reply, “We would love to hire them. Come back next Tuesday to talk with the boss.”

The entire day unfolded in this same vein!

  • (At a car dealership) “Set up an appointment with the manager. We can always use young people to wash cars. Here’s the email address.”
  • “Does he have a license? (not yet) “Come back after he gets his driver’s license.”

Later in the day Don shares the good news of these job possibilities with his two young friends. They are thrilled. OneĀ  sent a text message: “Thank for encouragement. I graduate next year. Thank you for helping me to learn.”

Refugees are on a long journey. Their future is unknown. They have great courage. When they find helpers along the way, it means a great deal.

Let’s ask God to give us eyes to see them, and ideas for helping them find opportunity. We can do this in Jesus’ name, and provide a loving witness that won’t be forgotten.

And if you manage a business, consider hiring with a higher purpose!

Photo credit: WP Image Smart

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3 thoughts on “A higher purpose in hiring

  1. I have heard it said … and I’ve read … that we should be hiring vets, not refugees. What’s your position on that?

  2. Good question! Both groups certainly deserve to work, and make good workers! So I would not make it an either-or issue. Each brings strengths to the workplace. One way to determine a course of action would be to pray and ask God to direct us to those whom we should seek to employ. We may find refugees very nearby, or alternatively, veterans may be close at hand. thanks for your comment!

  3. Whether vets or refugees, both need to be welcomed into the community, given a place where they can succeed and provide for their families. Our heart needs to be open to what God is doing and n our country and extend His love to those we come in touch with. If we feel called to work with veterans, do it as unto the Lord. The same with the refugees that dwell in our cities.

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